If you're attending Midwinter, the LAMA/MAES discussion group will be
exploring the study mentioned in the article cited below:
LLAMA/Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation (MAES) Discussion Group
Date/Time: Saturday, January 24, 2009, 4:00-5:30
Location: Spruce Room of the Sheraton Denver.
University investments in the library: What's the return?
Library directors at academic institutions around the world are being
challenged by their university administrators to show how investments
made in the library “pay back” the institution. The question many
administrators often ask librarians is, "What is the return to this
university for investments in the library?" In 2007, the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Informed Strategies, and Elsevier, with
advisement from Dr. Carol Tenopir, teamed up to tackle this question as
a single institution case study. The result became a return on
investment model focused on grant-generating activities of the
university and the role that information resources play in the process.
Phase II of the study has been under investigation since mid-2008. Led
by Dr. Tenopir through the University of Tennessee Knoxville's Center
for Information and Communication Studies and sponsored by Elsevier, the
goal of this expanded phase is to extend the methodology from the pilot
with a small but varied set of institutions from around the globe and
further assess the results. The investigators hope that library
directors who use the model established in this multi-phase study will
be able to show how the library contributes to income brought into the
university by faculty and researchers dependent on library resources—and
thereby demonstrate the library's economic value to university
Join Kira Cooper of Elsevier for an informal discussion of the project
to date. The discussion will also touch upon the possibility of
presenting the topic as a formal program at a future ALA conference.
Biographical information:
Kira Cooper is the Director of Customer Engagement in the Global
Customer Marketing group for Elsevier, based in San Diego. Her focus is
on engaging librarians and university officials in topics ranging from
initiatives within Elsevier to discussions of industry trends. She has
served as the project manager for the library ROI study since its
inception. A publishing industry veteran, Kira has filled a variety of
bookselling and marketing management roles on both the trade and STM
sides of the business. Prior to joining Elsevier in 2006, she was the
Executive Director of Special Markets and the Internet for Harcourt
Trade Publishers and was a marketing manager for Academic Press.
LLAMA/MAES Discussion Group Co-Chairs:
Ken Wise, University of Tennessee Libraries, kwise@utk.edu
Kathy Brown, North Carolina State University Libraries,
Sarah McCleskey wrote:
> There's a really interesting article about return on investment for library funding in terms of research dollars in Liber Quarterly for Dec 2008. Available here:
> http://liber.library.uu.nl/publish/articles/000269/article.pdf
> Sarah E. McCleskey
> Head of Access Services
> Acting Director, Film and Media Library
> 112 Axinn Library
> 123 Hofstra University
> Hempstead, NY 11549
> Sarah.E.McCleskey@hofstra.edu
> 516-463-5076 (o)
> 516-463-4309 (f)
>>>> Karen Tschanz <KTSCHANZ@MAIL.MCG.EDU> 1/15/2009 2:03 PM >>>
> Hi, Erin:
> This also interests us. Please post a summary of replies to the list. Thanks. kst
> Karen S. Tschanz, M.L.S., M.B.A., M.S.O.D.
> Asst. Prof./Chair, Content Management
> Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D., Library, AB-241
> Medical College of Georgia
> 1451 Laney-Walker Boulevard
> Augusta, GA 30912
> Phone: (706) 721-9912
> Fax: (706) 721-6006
> E-mail: ktschanz@mail.mcg.edu
>>>> "Finnerty, Erin" <finnerty@ADM.NJIT.EDU> 01/15/2009 11:01 AM >>>
> Hello all,
> I was wondering how many of your libraries receive a portion of your school's research dollars for purchase or continuation of resources. If you do have such an arrangement, how does it work? Does a dedicated percentage of the university research dollars go to the library each year? When/how did this policy get started? Has it been changed in recent years? Pros/Cons?
> If there are any public documents posted on your policy, please feel free to point me there. You can also respond off-list to finnerty@njit.edu<mailto:finnerty@njit.edu>.
> Thanks!
> Erin
> Erin Finnerty
> E-Resources/Serials Librarian
> New Jersey Institute of Technology
> 323 MLK Blvd. / Newark, NJ 07102
> Ph(973) 596-3205 Fax(973) 643-5601
> finnerty@njit.edu<mailto:finnerty@njit.edu>