Re: electronic resources usage statistics Ryan O Weir 16 Jan 2009 21:01 UTC

Could you send me your results?


Ryan Weir
Serials and Electronic Resources Librarian
University Libraries
Murray State University
Office: (270) 809-5607
Fax: (270) 809-5609

MSU Libraries: Information. Where you are, we are. 

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Webb, Paris
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] electronic resources usage statistics

I've received some very good responses to the question below posted late in
Dec.  Thank you to everyone who responded.
Since, I sent it just before many people went on holiday or perhaps were
already gone, I thought I'd put the question back out there one more time in
case those who missed it would care to send comments.

Thanks again.

Paris E. Webb, M.L.S., M.A. Eng.
Digital Resources & Systems Support Librarian

From: Webb, Paris
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 3:53 PM
Subject: electronic resources usage statistics

I am doing some research about what kinds of usage statistics academic
libraries are gathering on their journal collections and databases.   Many
if not most vendors/publishers are or are becoming COUNTER compliant but
generally still offer other types of reports as well.  We use both and are
currently doing manual downloads or receiving automated e-mail reports,
depending on the vendor.

1.       Is there anyone who could share information on what types of
statistics they generally use?  COUNTER, vendor reports, both, other?

2.       Which of these, if any, do you use to make purchase and retention

3.       Is SUSHI as user-friendly and efficient as it appears?

Please feel free to comment on any of these questions off-list to my e-mail
address below.


Paris E. Webb, M.L.S., M.A. Eng.
Digital Resources & Systems Support Librarian
Assistant Professor/ Librarian II / DL 203, Marshall University Libraries,
One John Marshall Drive, Huntington, WV 25755 / 304-696-3511 /<>