EBSCO A-to-Z®: clarification on adding/removing titles in packages Kristina Krusmark 01 May 2009 20:44 UTC


In response to a recent posting, I wanted to clarify the process for adding and removing individual titles on EBSCO A-to-Z®. Within the A-to-Z Title Wizard, customers can easily add or remove any databases and/or packages to which they subscribe.  Some databases/packages are "Complete" packages, meaning that the vendor or publisher offers that package only as a complete set and each subscriber has access to all the resources held within it. Recently, EBSCO introduced a change to the Individual Title Selection page within the Title Wizard that prevents customers who are identifying their individual e-journals from accidentally selecting the wrong version of a title and inadvertently adding a complete database or fixed package to their collection.

This change does not remove the functionality from the Individual Title Selection page that allows customers to add or remove the titles that they subscribe to either individually or as part of partial packages. In addition, the composition of a "Complete" package or database can still be customized by either using our newly-introduced option to hide a title from the end user site or by downloading then uploading an edited list via Excel, tab-delimited, or XML format.

Our Customer Care team is ready to assist you at any time in customizing your EBSCO A-to-Z title list. Please do not hesitate to contact us at customercare@ebsco.com if you have any questions or need assistance with your list.

Kristina Krusmark, MLS
EBSCONET Product Manager
EBSCO Information Services