CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Pay-Per-View Options: Is Transactional Access Right For My Institution? Jennifer W Lang 05 May 2009 18:23 UTC

Call For Proposals: Pay-Per-View Options: Is Transactional Access Right
For My Institution?
ALCTS CCS Electronic Resources Interest Group
ALA Annual Conference Chicago

In a world where funding is decreasing and demand is increasing,
libraries and librarians are looking for ways to provide access to
content without submitting their bottom line to costly and sometimes
little-used online journal subscriptions.

The ALCTS CCS Electronic Resources Interest Group invites proposals for
its panel discussion at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, on
Saturday, July 11, 2009, from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

The discussion will center on the experiences of libraries and
electronic resources librarians as they implement and manage
transactional access models at their institutions. The panelists will
discuss why transactional access was right for their institution, the
driving forces behind their decisions, the implementation process,
technical implementation and management of the access, and the outcomes
of their endeavors. The panelist presentations will be followed with a
question and answer session, as well as an open forum for audience
members to share their experience(s) with the session participants.

Please send abstracts of presentations to ERIG co-chairs, Jennifer Lang
<>  and Amira Aaron
<> , by Friday, May 15, 2009.

Jennifer Lang
Electronic Resources Cataloging Coordinator
Room 2-7-G, Firestone Library
Princeton University
One Washington Road
Princeton NJ 08544-2098
609.258.5476 phone
609.258.0441 fax <>

Amira Aaron
Director for Information Resources
Brandeis University Library and Technology Services
415 South Street MS045
Waltham MA 02454
781.736.4647 phone
781.736.4724 fax <>

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