Survey: How does implementing a next-generation catalog affect catalogers and cataloging functions in academic libraries? Lori J. Terrill 05 May 2009 19:37 UTC

Posted on behalf of my colleagues.

*This survey is being posted on multiple lists.  Please excuse duplication.*

We are exploring the effects of implementing a next-generation catalog/discovery tool on catalogers and cataloging functions in academic libraries.  This survey is for catalogers and cataloging managers in academic libraries that fit either of the following criteria:

*     Implemented a next-generation catalog/discovery tool such as Endeca, Encore, WorldCat Local, Primo, VuFind, AquaBrowser, etc.  OR

*     Selected a next-generation catalog/discovery tool but are still in the process of implementation

MLS and non-MLS catalogers in academic libraries, as well as department heads that manage cataloging functions, are all invited to respond.

The survey is available at:

The survey will be active until June 5, 2009.

This survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

The primary purpose of implementing a next-generation catalog/discovery tool such as Encore, Primo, Endeca, VuFind, WorldCat Local, AquaBrowser, etc., is to improve service and access to resources for library users.  However, the considerations for catalogers and cataloging departments in terms of workflow changes, cleanup of existing catalog data, and other possible implications are not insignificant.  Implementing a next-generation catalog/discovery tool often exposes errors or omissions in catalog data.  (For example, using a Form or Genre facet requires form subdivisions to be coded as subfield v rather than subfield x.)  Several recent conference presentations have highlighted many of these issues in the context of an individual library.

Following this survey, we plan to conduct telephone or e-mail interviews with survey participants who are willing to answer more in-depth questions.  If you are interested in participating in follow-up to this survey by either telephone or e-mail, you may give your name and contact information at the end of this survey or contact either of the researchers directly.

If you have any questions, contact the researchers, Martha Hanscom (<>) or Susan Wynne (<>) at the University of Wyoming Libraries.

Susan C. Wynne

Catalog Librarian

University of Wyoming Libraries

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071


Martha Hanscom

University of Wyoming Libraries<>