SSP Annual Meeting: Advancing Scholarly Communities in the Brave NOW World Karen King 13 May 2009 14:41 UTC

SIGN UP NOW! The SSP 2009 Annual Meeting is just around the corner!

Librarians still get a reduced registration rate of $350.

 Come and hear top-tier keynote and session speakers address topics like

*        Opening Keynote: Media Rearchitecting Science: A New Vision and
Framework for STM in the 21st Century, Adam Bly, Seed Media Group

*        Plenary-Publishing and Libraries: Securing Our Future in the
Brave "Now" World--More Questions Than Answers? Charles Lowry,
Association of Research Libraries

Some of the exciting concurrent sessions include (take a look at the SSP
site for a complete list of speakers):

*        We Have Seen the Future and It Is Us - Maria Bonn, University
of Michigan Libraries; Catherine Candee, California Digital Library;
Sylvia Miller, International Computing

*        Handhelds in Academia: E-Books and Beyond - Ameer Ahmed,
ARTstor; Kent Anderson, New England Journal of Medicine; David Seaman,
Dartmouth College Library

*        Google Book Search Settlement and Beyond: Implications for
Publishers, Libraries and Users - Jonathan Band, PLLC Technology Law and
Policy; Janet Fisher, Publishers' Communication Group; Jay Schafer,
University of Massachusetts - Amherst Libraries

An unprecedented 17 topics will be offered during Friday's luncheon
discussion roundtables, where you can gather with other attendees to
discussion issues such as these:

*        Impact Metrics: IF, Eigenfactor, and More

*        Institutional Repositories

*        Open Access Update

*        How Are You Using Your Web Statistics?

*        Should Libraries Develop Publishing Services?

*        How to Integrate Social Networking into Your Offering

*        Library Subscription Costs in the "Now" Economy


Please join us at the SSP 31st Annual Meeting in Baltimore, May 27-29,
at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel. Members and nonmembers are

For more details about seminars, keynote and plenary addresses, and
concurrent sessions, go to <>

Submitted by Karen King