Volunteers/Nominations Sought for ALCTS CCS Electronic Resources Interest Group (fwd) SERIALST Moderator 13 May 2009 19:51 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 11:27:16 -0400
From: Amira Aaron <aaaron@brandeis.edu>
Subject: Volunteers/Nominations Sought for ALCTS CCS Electronic Resources
Interest Group

The ALCTS CCS Electronic Resources Interest Group (ERIG) is seeking
volunteers or nominations for the position of Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect for
2009-2010.  The position involves a two-year term; the first year as
Chair-Elect and the second as Chair of the group.  The Chair for 2009-2010
will be Amira Aaron, Brandeis University.  The current Chair is Jennifer
Lang, Princeton University.

Responsibilities for the Chair-Elect/Chair include serving as leader of
ERIG and representing ERIG before ALCTS officials; leading and working
with past Chairs and members to coordinate the ERIG meetings, which
entails arranging the meeting space and equipment at ALA Annual and
Midwinter conferences, developing topics and arranging guest presentations
at meetings of the Interest Group, and reporting to ALCTS about each

Please check out our blog at:  http://blogs.ala.org/erig.php   We also
have a listserv that you can join:  alcts-eres@ala.org

If you are interested in becoming Chair-Elect of the ALCTS CCS Electronic
Resources Interest Group, or have further questions, please contact Amira
Aaron at the email address or phone number listed below.

Also, please come and participate at the upcoming Electronic Resources
Interest Group Meeting at ALA Annual in Chicago on Saturday, July 11,
2009, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM.    It will be held at the Chicago Hilton,
Continental B, and the topic will be:  Pay-Per-View Options: Is
Transactional Access Right For My Institution?   A Call for Proposals for
the session has been issued.

The election will take place during the meeting and we will introduce the

Thank you for your consideration.


Amira Aaron
Director for Information Resources
Brandeis University Library and
   Technology Services
415 South Street  MS045
Waltham, MA  02454
phone 781-736-4647