Re: Criteria for deciding to box vs. bind periodical issues Wilma Dague 16 Oct 2009 21:32 UTC

We do this in sort of an ad hoc way.  Mostly we only bind them if they are flimsy or used a lot. Or likely to be  needed for a long time. We're not even binding AIP journals any more.

Best regards,
Wilma Weant Dague
Serials  Coordinator
Benedictine College Library
St. Benedict's Abbey Library
1020 North 2nd St.
Atchison, KS 66002

(913) 360-7610

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [] On Behalf Of Koveleskie, Judith
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Criteria for deciding to box vs. bind periodical issues

As more and more titles moved to online, we discarded hundreds of pristine bound volumes.  Of course we offered them on backserv first, but had very few takers.

Our reasoning was, "If it isn't online now, it will be in a few years, so why spend the money binding?"

We have been doing this for about two years and so far we have had no problems with the items in the Princeton files.

Judith A. Koveleskie
Periodicals Librarian
Seton Hill University
Reeves Memorial Library
Greensburg, PA  15601



From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of Pennington, Buddy D.
Sent: Thu 10/15/2009 2:52 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Criteria for deciding to box vs. bind periodical issues

Hi all,

We've converted a bunch of our journals to electronic-only and are no longer binding titles that are in the JSTOR collections. However, we are still faced with binding the issues for around 1,800 titles.  We are putting a task force together to see if the majority of those titles can be placed in Princeton boxes or similar containers instead of being bound.  If you have undergone a similar project would you mind sending me info on how you tackled it and what criteria you used to decide one way or the other?


Buddy Pennington

Electronic Resources & Serials Librarian

University of Missouri - Kansas City

800 East 51st Street

Kansas City, MO  64110

Phone: 816-235-1548

Fax: 816-333-5584


UMKC University Libraries: Discovery. Knowledge. Empowerment.