ALCTS New Members Interest Group Established Dina Giambi 20 Oct 2009 14:03 UTC

Collections and technical services librarians and paraprofessionals are
invited to join this new interest group.

M. Dina Giambi
ALCTS Past President 2009-2010

*“Introducing the ALCTS New Members Interest Group”*

Established in September 2009, the ALCTS (Association for Library
Collections & Technical Services) New Members Interest Group (ANMIG)
will provide a forum for exchanging information and discussing issues of
interest to new ALCTS members. It will serve as a vehicle to create a
feedback mechanism for new members while helping them build a knowledge
base of the organization and its resources.

Information gained from the ANMIG will be used as a basis for discussion
of ALCTS programs/services initiatives via ALCTS committees and groups,
and how these services impact new members.

The interest group will have both an online and in person presence. The
features of ALA Connect will be used to share information and ideas,
hold chat sessions, etc. In person meetings will be held at ALA
Midwinter Meetings and the ALA Annual Conferences. The first meeting
will be held during the 2010 Midwinter Meeting in Boston on Saturday,
January 16 from 10:30 a.m.-noon. The location will be announced when it
is available.

We encourage all new ALCTS members to join the ALCTS New Members
Interest Group community. Veteran members are invited to join as well.
The ANMIG has been created as an open community in ALA Connect so
non-ALCTS member and non-ALA members can also participate.

We welcome all suggestions in making this IG a success for our new
members and ALCTS at large.

Keisha Manning
Chair, ALCTS New Members Interest Group
Palmer School of Library and Information Science, MLIS Candidate <>