OFF TOPIC: In need of an old ed. of the Associations Yellow Book LeChi Gallagher 27 Oct 2009 17:23 UTC

Dear Colleagues,

Please excuse any cross-postings.  I badly need an OLD
edition of the Associations Yellow Book
 (Monitor Publishing). Does anyone have an old copy you may
want to discard?
It doesn't matter how old it is.

If your library is in the Washington DC area, I will be
happy to come by to pick it up.
Otherwise, I will gladly reimburse  postage.
If you can help out, please contact me off list at

LeChi Gallagher
Catalog/Bibliographic Access Librarian
BNA Library
1801 S. Bell Street
Arlington, VA 22202
Phone: 703-341-3308
Fax:      703-341-1636