Re: Checking in print plus online subscriptions? Mark L. Ferguson 02 Oct 2009 18:59 UTC

Ok Mary here is our policy.

If I have the option of getting an online only subscription I take it.
For those titles that require we subscribe to the journal in print in
order to get the online version, we put the current year on display on
our current subscriptions shelf for browsing and as a means of marketing
the title, but we do not retain any additional back issues.  Since I am
not concerned with retention nor claiming (because by the time I make a
claim, and receive the missing issue from the publisher the issue will
no longer be current) I see no reason to check in these print titles.

Our catalog will then provide holdings info for the electronic version
with a note for our print holdings "Current year retained.

That's our policy anyway and it seems to be working.


-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Williams, Mary Welch
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 10:17 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Checking in print plus online subscriptions?

Good morning!!

We're facing further staff reductions and I'm trying to find ways for us
to spend our precious time on things that really matter.

We've been moving subscriptions to online only where economically
feasible, but we still receive titles where online only is not an
option.  We know that our print titles don't get used, we've got numbers
that tell us so.  I've suggested that we not check in the print issue of
our print+ subscriptions.  We have 41 such titles.

My supervisor would like to know if others have done this and if there
have been any ramifications, so I am asking you.

Thanks for your help,


Mary Williams (
Serials Librarian
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Library and Biocommunications Center
877 Madison Avenue, Room 250
Memphis, TN 38163

Phone: (901) 448-5154
FAX: (901) 448-5402