ALCTS Nov.-Dec. webinar programs on Institutional Repositories Cindy Hepfer 31 Oct 2009 17:38 UTC

Please excuse cross-posting to several lists
Announcing two webinars on institutional repositories

Bringing Research Data into the Library: Expanding the Horizons of
Institutional Repositories.
Presenter: MacKenzie Smith
Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 2:00pm Eastern time

The focus of Library-managed Institutional Repositories has so far been on
document-like items (published articles, preprints, theses, reports,
working papers, etc.) but there is growing demand to expand their use into
new genres such as scientific research datasets (sensor readings, genomics
data, neuroimages, etc.). The presentation
will explain how IRs are including this type of collection, what librarians
need to know in order to manage such collections, and a few case studies
from the MIT Libraries.

MacKenzie Smith is the Associate Director for Technology at the MIT
Libraries, where she oversees the Libraries' technology strategy and its
digital library research and development program. Her research agenda
focuses on Semantic Web applications for scholarly communication,
distributed digital library architectures, and research data curation,
including long-term data preservation. She was the Project Director at MIT
for the DSpace open source software digital archiving platform and has
considerable expertise developing and sustaining large open source software
communities. Prior to joining MIT, MacKenzie was the Digital Library
Program Manager for the Harvard University Library, and held several IT
positions at the Harvard and the University of Chicago Library. Her
academic background is in Library and Information Science, and her research
interests are in applied technology for libraries and academia, and digital
libraries and archives in particular.

The Potential of Partnerships: Dissolving Silos for a Successful IR
Presenter: Marilyn Billings
Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 2:00pm Eastern time

This webinar will use the University of Massachusetts' institutional
repository as a case study to explore how the new digital repository
service has affected the way librarians envision our place in the future of
the academy, how the academy is changing its view of the library's role,
new tools and skills that we are developing to fulfill this service, and
new partnerships that we have created and fostered to exploit this new
vision. We hope to foster discussion and provide insights and opportunities
for further exploration of how the role of libraries as publishers enables
us to be key partners in the creation, dissemination, and archiving of
academic scholarship.

Marilyn Billings is the Scholarly Communication & Special Initiatives
Librarian at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She provides
campus-wide leadership and education in alternative scholarly communication
strategies and is frequently an invited speaker at faculty department
colloquia. She gives presentations on author rights, alternative digital
publishing models and the role of digital repositories in today's research
and scholarship endeavors at the regional, national, and international
levels. As co-PI on an NSF funded grant to create an Ethics Clearinghouse
in response to the America COMPETES Act, Marilyn works closely with
faculty, researchers, and administrative staff and organizes programs on
many new and emerging topics. Another key aspect of her responsibilities
includes the oversight of the institutional repository ScholarWorks @ UMass
Amherst. Recent presentations include "The Academic Library as Publishing
Agent: showcasing student, faculty, and campus scholarship and
publications" with Terri Fishel at the Association of Research Libraries in
Seattle, WA in January 2009; "Exploring Ways That Institutional
Repositories Facilitate New Roles and Partnerships for Libraries and the
Academy" at the Czech and Slovak Library Information Network (CASLIN)
conference in June 2009, and providing workshops at numerous institutions.
Her presentation "Changing Scholarly Communications and the Role of an
Institutional Repository in the Digital Landscape" appears in the ACRL
Scholarly Communication Toolkit.

To register see:

Webinars on institutional repositories scheduled in 2010 include:

February 10, 2010 - Bob Gerrity on Selecting a Platform

March 24, 2010 - Marisa Ramirez and Nancy Fallgren on Metadata

April 28, 2010 	- Sharon Farb, Bonnie Tijerina, and Catherine Mitchell on
Consortial Implementation

May 19, 2010 - Leah Vanderjagt and Allison Sivak on What we Thought Then
and  What we Know Now

ALCTS thanks Berkeley Electronic Press for their support for this series of

Cindy Hepfer
Continuing Resources Cataloging Team leader
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