ER&L '10 Session Previews & Election Day Today! Bonnie Tijerina 09 Nov 2009 05:25 UTC

Want to see what may be presented on at ER&L 2010?  Want to have a say
on what will be presented at the conference?

Make your voice heard by voting for sessions you would like to see at
the ER&L Conference.  The responses will help the ER&L Program
Planning group finalize our schedule.

ER&L Election Days are Monday, Nov. 9th. - Tuesday, Nov. 10th.

Visit us to read proposal abstracts and vote on which ones matter to

Remember, Early Registration ends December 1st:

Electronic Resources & Libraries 2010
February 1, 2010 - February 3, 2010
Pre-conferences on January 31
AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center University of Texas in
Austin, TX, USA

For general ER&L Conference questions, contact Bonnie Tijerina at

Bonnie Tijerina
Editor, Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship
Digital Collections Services Librarian
University of California, Los Angeles
33456 Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles, CA 90095