Re: Moving ref titles to general stacks Hoyte, Daniel 03 Dec 2009 18:00 UTC

It has been over three years since I did this, but here is how I set up
the disposition procedure at our Law Library.

=On the check-in records of our ILS (III) the disposition of the
previous items was noted, if it was to be changed.
=The operator would process the new item according to the parameters set
in the system.
=The operator would place a slip in the new item, that was color-coded
to alert the shelver that the previous item had some further processing
=The operator would update the previous item in the ILS to reflect its
new status.
	Possible changes:
		Discard old->orange slip, delete item record, process
for recycling
		Old to faculty-> yellow slip, delete item record,
process for routing
		Old to stacks-> blue slip, change location code, remove
location sticker
		Old to non-stacks location-> blue slip, change location
code, add location sticker
With the exception of the discard, all of the old items would come back
to me to complete the processing. The shelvers would complete the
discard procedure on the old items, without intervention on my part.

Daniel Hoyte, M.R.S.
Senior Library Systems Technician
Chapman University Leatherby Libraries
(714) 532-7745
AIM/Yahoo IM: chaphoyte
In order to understand recursion, one must first understand recursion,

--On Wednesday, December 02, 2009 10:14 AM -0800 "Palmiter, Sherry"

> Our library keeps the 'current year only' of some print serial titles
> our reference collection. When a new volume arrives the previous
> edition is sent to the circulating stacks. This involves alerting the
> reference staff that a new volume has arrived, pulling the older one,
> remarking and reshelving it, etc.
> We have not yet come up with a step by step procedure for this which
> works really smoothly.  If anyone has a procedure that works well,
> share it.  You may send your e-mails directly to me.
> Thank you.
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> Sherry Palmiter
> Serials Librarian
> Interim Library, Seattle University
> 901 12th Avenue
> Seattle, WA  98122
> tel:  (206) 296-6204
> fax: (206) 296-2572