Commercial digest (2 messages) Bob Persing 26 Feb 2010 21:26 UTC


Since June 2008, the SERIALST moderators have been distributing a
Commercial Digest once a week, on Friday afternoons, with messages
containing informational content from commercial bodies (i.e.,
publishers, vendors, agents, etc.). The moderators review submitted
messages for informational content that may interest our subscribers.

We reserve the right to reject messages that are purely for advertising
or product/service solicitation, with little or no informational content
beyond the solicitation, as well as other content that are not within
the scope and purpose guidelines of SERIALST:

If you have thoughts or feedback about the Commercial digest, or other
aspects of SERIALST, please let us hear from you. Contact information
for the SERIALST moderators is at:

This week's digest contains 2 messages:

1) Oxford Journals migrate content to new HighWire platform
2) New online materials adds to over a century of research

Message #1:

Subject: Oxford Journals migrate content to new HighWire platform
From: "MEDDINGS, Colin" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:52:01 +0000

- with apologies for cross-posting -

Oxford Journals migrate content to new HighWire platform

Oxford Journals has begun migrating online content to a new platform
powered by HighWire Press's H2O web technologies. Designed around
state-of-the-art standards based technologies, the move enables us to
respond to the increased pace of online publishing development that our
customers require.

Twelve journals have already been successfully transferred as part of a
pilot. In the week beginning 22 February we will be migrating another
small selection of our journals. Further changeovers are planned for
later in the year with the whole process due to be complete by the end
of 2010.

Our library customers do not need to take any action, and there will be
no changes to library-facing services such as access control, usage
statistics, and admin accounts. Full mapping of URLs that may change has
been implemented as part of the migration.

Most of the changes involve behind the scenes technology and will not be
visible to users. As part of the upgrade there will be some enhancements
to how articles are displayed including a cleaner and more readable page
layout, improvements to image display, and easier navigation.

Should you notice any issues during the migration please contact our
customer services department directly:

Kind regards

Colin Meddings
Senior Library Marketing Manager
Oxford Journals | Oxford University Press
Great Clarendon Street
Oxford, OX2 6DP


Message #2:

Subject: New online materials adds to over a century of research
From: Susan Soule <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 10:55:49 -0500

With apologies for cross-posting

Cambridge Journals Press Release

Release Date: 16/02/2010

Country of Issue: United Kingdom

Cambridge Journals has completed the 2009 Collection of its Digital
Archives, adding to over a century of digitised research material.

Over 3.3 million pages are now available in the 2009 Collection, the
vast majority of which have never been available online before.

The 2009 archive collection now includes content from journals such as
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, British Journal of Political Science, The
International Review of the Red Cross and the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

During digitisation it was also discovered that many journals had
previous versions and wherever possible, these have now been digitised
as well. The International Review of the Red Cross now has three
complete archives - in English, French and Spanish, all from different
periods in its existence.

The process of digitising the 2010 Collection is already well underway.
Highlights will include the archive of Archaeologia, which dates back to
1770 and is associated with The Antiquaries Journal, and the archive of
another highly rated historical title Speculum, which dates back to 1926.

The Cambridge Journals Digital Archive is available in its entirety, as
a package of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) archives, as a package
of Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) archives, or in subject based


Notes for Editors
Cambridge Journals Digital Archives (CJDA) is a leading journals article
collection and contains over a century of digitised back-issue content,

- over 180 journals
- over 20,000 issues
- over 350,000 articles
- over 3 million pages
- over 8 million linked references

For further information, go to,
or contact the Press Office on +44 (0)1223 325544 or email

Technical notes
- The archive is accessible by IP range, username and password, ATHENS,
Shibboleth and referred URL
- COUNTER 2 compliant usage statistics will be available shortly
- Journal covers, content listings, prelims, plates and maps are
reproduced in their entirety, providing a complete digital reproduction
of the original journal
- Article headers and references are created as HTML files to allow easy
access to data and reference linking between articles
- Google Scholar book referencing is available from HTML footnotes
- DOIs are registered for each article, facilitating full reference
linking to the archive content via CrossRef
- Networked and remote access options ensure content is available for
all users, at their own convenience
- Clear searching across archive and current content provides users with
greater access to the complete body of research
- Archive content can be tailored to individual users’ needs, with
features including ‘save your favourite articles’ and ‘export citations’
- Content usage statistics are available for download

About Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press is the publishing business of the University
of Cambridge, one of the world’s leading research institutions. It is
the oldest publisher and printer in the world, having been operating
continuously since 1584.

Throughout its history, the Press has maintained a reputation for
innovation and enterprise, through publishing the latest research, and
through supporting the latest methodologies for teaching and learning.
Its purpose is to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide. It
publishes 240 journals and over 2,500 books annually for distribution in
nearly every country in the world.

For further information, go to:

About Cambridge Journals
Cambridge Journals is part of Cambridge University Press and currently
publishes over 240 peer-reviewed academic journals for the global
market. Containing the latest research from a broad sweep of subject
areas, Cambridge journals are accessible worldwide in print and online.

As well as journals owned by the Press itself, Cambridge Journals also
publish on behalf of over 150 learned and professional societies.

For further information, go to

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Kind regards,

Cambridge Journals Marketing

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© Cambridge University Press. 2010.