NASIG 25th Annual Conference - Special Discount to NASIG members publicist 20 Apr 2010 18:31 UTC

Registration for the 25th Annual North American Serials
Interest Group
(NASIG) conference is open now through May 20, with a
available to NASIG members who register by April 25, 2010.
Please visit
the conference website
<>  to
register and find
more information about the upcoming conference.

If you have not yet explored this year's program, please
check out the
program details at The 25th
Annual Conference will feature exciting and informative
Vision sessions
with Eric Miller, President, Zepheira
(, Kent
Anderson, Editor-in-chief, Scholarly Kitchen
( and a panel on current
and future
developments in library systems.

As in previous years, the program will also offer a variety
of in-depth
Strategy and practitioner-oriented Tactics sessions in the
areas of
acquisitions and licensing, cataloging and access,
development, and scholarly communication. Many of this
year's programs
focus on ways to make the most of collections, tools, and
resources. Topics include patron-driven selection,
sustainable scholarly
publishing, metadata interoperability, and e-resource
management, among
many others. In addition to the scheduled programming, there
will be
opportunities available throughout the conference for
discussion on emerging topics of interest.

This year's preconference on Resource Description and Access
(RDA) has
nearly reached capacity. To be added to a waiting list,
contact Jennifer
Arnold at

We look forward to seeing you in Palm Springs!

Morag Boyd and Anne Mitchell
Program Planning Committee Co-chairs

Established in 1985, the North American Serials Interest
Group, Inc. is an independent organization that promotes
communication and sharing of ideas among all members of the
serials information chain – anyone working with or
concerned about serial publications.  For more information
about NASIG, please visit

Marilyn M. Carney
Publicist, NASIG, Inc.