Commercial Digest (2 messages) Bob Persing 05 Nov 2010 18:46 UTC


The Commercial Digest is a weekly compilation of messages containing
informational content from commercial bodies (i.e., publishers,
publishers, vendors, agents, etc.)

This week's digest contains 2 messages:
1) Free content from the Royal Society of Chemistry
2) Duke University Press announces new journal for 2011; supports
Shibboleth access to electronic journals

Message #1:

Subject:    Free content from the Royal Society of Chemistry
From:    Louise Peck <>
Date:    Wed, 3 Nov 2010 10:20:56 +0000

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is pleased to announce:

All RSC Publishing customers and those on free trials with registered IP
addresses no longer need to request to receive our free access journals
- this is now provided to you automatically.

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This means your students, academics, scientists, researchers and
professionals can now access free content available on our RSC
Publishing Platform when going through your institution or organisation

Free access content currently includes:

* All content of our newest journals for the first two volumes
* Any articles that are part of a special free access promotion
* All content of RSC journals published from 1997 to 2007
* A sample chapter from each book in the RSC eBook Collection

Your users can even continue to access this free content when not going
through your authentication by creating a personal account and access
saved favourites and searches.

If you are not an RSC Publishing customer, are not part of a free trial
to our content, or don't have your IP address registered with us,
request access to this free content
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Text to Send to Your Users
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Do you want to access the wealth of free content from the Royal Society
of Chemistry (RSC) to help your research? Register for a personal
account on the RSC Publishing Platform today.

Setting up an account is simple - all we ask is that you provide some
very basic information, including a valid email address for authentication.

To check what other RSC resources you have access to, ask your library.

RSC Publishing Platform Account Registration
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Thank you for your time.

Kind regards

Louise Peck, Library Marketing Specialist
Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House,
Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK

Message #2:

Subject:    Duke University Press announces new journal for 2011;
supports Shibboleth access to electronic journals
From:    Kim Steinle <>
Date:    Wed, 03 Nov 2010 07:35:44 -0400

For immediate release
November 3, 2010

For more information, contact
Emma Boyer, Publicity Coordinator

Duke University Press is pleased to add East Asian Science, Technology
and Society: An International Journal (EASTS) to its title list for 2011.

Sponsored by the National Science Council of the Republic of China
(Taiwan), EASTS aims to bring East Asian and Western science and
technology studies scholars and communities together by publishing
research on how society and culture interact with science, technology,
and medicine. The journal is available in print, print-plus-electronic,
and electronic-only formats.

Published four times a year, EASTS will be included in the e-Duke
Journals Scholarly Collections, both Standard and Expanded options, at
no additional cost to subscribers. It will also be available to
subscribers of the Premium Collection on Project MUSE.

EASTS joins the minnesota review, Genre, and the online-only journal
Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments as new additions to
Duke's list for 2011.

Duke University Press is also pleased to announce that its online
journals can now be accessed using Shibboleth. Currently, the press
supports access management federations in the United Kingdom, France,
and Germany. Others may be added, depending on interest from subscribing

Kimberly Steinle, the press's library relations manager comments, "We
are always looking for ways to help users access our content more
easily, and partnering with Shibboleth will allow us to be more
accessible to libraries and their patrons." To enable Shibboleth access
for your institution, visit

For information about 2011 journal acquisitions, Shibboleth, EASTS, or
the e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collections, please contact Journals
Customer Service at, or visit our new
Library Resource Center at