Please participate in the Building Sustainable Libraries Survey Karen Christensen 06 Dec 2010 13:03 UTC

Subject: Please participate in the Building Sustainable Libraries Survey

In conjunction with the "Sustainability" issue of _Against the Grain_
I've just edited, I've been working with a team of fabulous librarians
to create a survey of current practice in academic (and other)
libraries. We do hope you'll join in and share your insights and ideas!
We'll be highlighting the most successful and creative efforts now
underway in the preliminary and final reports, and also want to know
about your frustrations and burning questions.

The "Building Sustainable Libraries Survey" has been designed to gather
information on sustainability efforts at academic libraries. Its
preliminary results will be included in the forthcoming issue of
_Against the Grain_ and, in greater depth, in a report we will release
next year and gladly share with all participants. (The survey is being
sent out with an Against The Grain
newsletter, to Berkshire Publishing
contacts, and to several listservs. Apologies in advance for the
inevitable cross-posting.)

The survey asks what's happening, what's coming, and what you think
about all of it. What needs more emphasis? What remains muddled or
confusing or simply undone? Is sustainability an appropriate focus for
the academic library? Take the survey here:

It covers a lot (from operations and acquisition to collection
development) but it is short-only 23 questions, which we estimate can be
answered in 15-20 minutes. Our aim is to gather information that can be
used to plan future and more widespread library initiatives related to
sustainability. We are eager to have your thoughts-and to hear your
opinions, too. Please tell us about any interesting questions or
comments you've had from patrons. There's also space at the end for
adding links and recommended reading or resources.

The survey will be open till 31 December but only the responses received
by 12 December will be included in the preliminary report in the January
ALA Midwinter issue of _Against The Grain_. Thanks so much for sharing
your knowledge with us and with the global library community. Again, the
link is

Warm regards, Karen.

Karen Christensen, CEO (and author of The Armchair Environmentalist and
Home Ecology) Berkshire Publishing Group
+1 413 528 0206 | Skype: karen_christensen
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