Musica Britannica Jennifer Sauer 29 Mar 2011 14:52 UTC

How are others handling the newest volume of Musica Britannica:  I  The
Mulliner Book  ???

The notecard accompanying the volume states it is a "completely new edition
of a landmark collection of English music..." and notes that it is MB1.
Should I treat this as a totally new title with a distinct bibliographic
record? There is one in OCLC (#701799135) - but it is very scant. In my
opinion using MB1 as a volume number is problematic for shelving within the
regular series.

Any suggestions or direction you can provide are appreciated.

Best regards,

Jennifer Sauer
Electronic Resources/Serials & Copyright Librarian
Fort Hays State University
Forsyth Library
600 Park
Hays, KS 67601

Voice: (785)628-5262