UKSG and NISO announce 30 new KBART publishers Charlie Rapple 21 Mar 2011 15:55 UTC

Dear colleagues,

I thought you might be interested in the following news from UKSG and
NISO - another 30 publishers have endorsed the KBART recommended
practice, which contains practical guidance for the timely exchange of
metadata between content providers and knowledge base developers. A
full list of the new publishers is included in the press release,
below and at

The announcement also confirms that Phase II of KBART's work is
focussing on metadata for consortia, open access content, e-books and
conference proceedings.

More information about KBART is available at

All the best,


Charlie Rapple
Chair of UKSG Marketing Subcommittee

TBI Communications

NISO and UKSG Announce 30 More Publishers Endorse KBART

KBART Phase II Now Focusing on Consortia, Open Access and E-Books

March 21, 2011 – The National Information Standards Organization
(NISO) and UKSG are pleased to announce that another 30 publishers are
now able to supply metadata that conforms to the recommended practice,
KBART: Knowledge Bases And Related Tools (NISO RP-9-2010). Endorsement
of this publication, which contains practical recommendations for the
timely exchange of accurate metadata between content providers and
knowledge base developers, indicates that the format and content of
data supplied by the publisher to knowledge bases and related tools
conform to the KBART recommendations.

The newest endorsers are the American Psychological Association,
Edinburgh University Press and the Scitation® platform, which delivers
metadata on behalf of 28 society publishers:

§  Acoustical Society of America

§  ACS Rubber Division

§  AHS International - The Vertical Flight Society

§  American Accounting Association

§  American Association of Physicists in Medicine

§  American Association of Physics Teachers

§  American Astronomical Society

§  American Society of Civil Engineers

§  American Society of Mechanical Engineers International

§  AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing

§  Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

§  Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

§  Environmental & Engineering Geophysical Society

§  International Centre for Diffraction Data

§  IS&T - The Society for Imaging Science & Technology

§  Laser Institute of America

§  NACE International

§  National Association of Geoscience Teachers

§  Physics Essays Publication

§  SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics


§  The Electrochemical Society

§  The Institute of Noise Control Engineering

§  The Institution of Engineering and Technology

§  The Society for Information Display

§  The Society of Exploration Geophysicists

§  The Society of Rheology

§  The Tire Society

“By providing a common set of metadata requirements for the
information supply chain, KBART helps to reduce the administrative
burden of metadata management, and ensures greater visibility and
usage of content,” explains Terry Hulbert, Director of Business
Development at the American Institute of Physics, which developed the
Scitation® platform. “In a climate of budget cuts and cancellations,
it’s an important way for our publisher partners to support their
customers and differentiate their content.”

“The joint UKSG/NISO KBART Working Group is now focusing on Phase II
of the project, which will tackle some of the more advanced issues
with knowledge bases in the supply chain,” states Sarah Pearson, co-
chair of the working group. “The Phase II recommendations will outline
additional steps that can be taken by all stakeholders to further
improve the library user’s experience when using link resolvers and
their related knowledge bases, and will specifically address consortia-
specific metadata transfer, open access metadata, and enhanced support
for e-books and conference proceedings.”

For more information on KBART and the current Phase II work, visit

KBART (Knowledge Bases And Related Tools) was set up following the
2007 publication of the UKSG research report "Link Resolvers and the
Serials Supply Chain." Central to the efficient operation of the
OpenURL is the knowledge base, which consists of data supplied by
content providers including publishers. The report found that a lack
of awareness of the OpenURLs capabilities and requirements is
impacting the quality and timeliness of data provided to populate
knowledge bases, and thus undermining the potential of the
sophisticated OpenURL technology. UKSG partnered with NISO to
commission the KBART Working Group to develop guidelines for best
practice and provide educational materials. The core NISO/UKSG Working
Group consists of representatives from libraries, knowledge base
developers, publishers, intermediaries and other content providers,
and is supported by a monitoring group of interested parties. Its
Phase I report, KBART: Knowledge Bases And Related Tools (NISO
RP-9-2010), and guidelines have been widely reviewed and tested by a
wider group of information supply chain stakeholders. For more
information, visit or

About NISO
NISO fosters the development and maintenance of standards that
facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective
interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in
research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages
libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other
organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through
the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge.
NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the
entire lifecycle of an information standard. NISO is a not-for-profit
association accredited by the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI). More information about NISO is available on its website:
. For more information please contact NISO at (301) 654-2512 or via e-
mail at

About UKSG
UKSG exists to connect the information community and encourage the
exchange of ideas on scholarly communication. It spans the wide range
of interests and activities of the extended scholarly information
community of librarians, publishers, intermediaries and technology
vendors. In a dynamic environment, UKSG works to:

	• facilitate community integration, networking, discussion and
exchange of ideas,
	• improve members' knowledge of the scholarly information sector and
support skills development,
	• stimulate research and collaborative initiatives, encourage
innovation and promote standards for good practice, and
	• disseminate news, information and publications, and raise awareness
of services that support the scholarly information sector.
For more information, please visit the UKSG website,