NISO May 20 Forum: Mobile Technologies in Libraries Cynthia Hodgson 24 Mar 2011 21:12 UTC

NISO May 20 Forum: Mobile Technologies in Libraries


iPhone. iPad. Android. Blackberry. Kindle. App store. 3G. These are just
some of the now ubiquitous mobile devices and technologies in use today.
Libraries are daily faced with a perpetually connected user base demanding
mobile access to information resources traditionally accessed from desktop
or laptop computers.

NISO's one-day forum on Mobile Technologies in Libraries, to be held May 20,
2011 in Philadelphia, PA, will look at both issues and solutions for
offering library information resources to mobile equipment.

This event will benefit anyone who wants to learn more about libraries'
interactions with and promotion of mobile technologies. How informed are
libraries and their resource providers about what users want to do with
mobile devices? Are information providers' recent mobile interface offerings
useful to libraries and mobile users? How can libraries take advantage of
existing popular mobile apps? Can individual libraries be effective in
addressing mobile technologies and user demands on their own, or will
development dollars be best spent on collaborative efforts or
vendor-supplied services? In focusing more attention on mobile users, are
libraries neglecting other user populations who do not have access to mobile
devices? Do mobile device and service providers have any incentive to work
with libraries and serve neglected populations? Are special standards needed
to address mobile information delivery in library contexts? These and other
issues will be explored by the forum's invited speakers.

NISO educational forums are routinely praised for their excellent selection
of speakers representing a diversity of viewpoints across the scholarly
information community and the small size which provides opportunities to
network with speakers and other attendees.


Introduction: How Standards Fit (or don't fit) in Mobile Computing

Opening Keynote -- Brian O'Leary, Founder and Principal, Magellan Media

Mobile Computing, Libraries, and Users: Providing Context
. Using Surveys to Find Out What Uses Want with Mobile Devices
. MedLine Mobile: The Why, What, and How

Examples of Mobile Technologies
. Instructional Technologies Gone Mobile
. Embracing Mobile Devices: Libraries and Mobile Technology
. Mobile Interfaces & the Impact on (and Opportunities for) Publisher

Closing Keynote


Early bird discounts are available through May 1, 2011. NISO and LSA members
receive additional discounts. A student discount is also available. A
complete agenda, registration, and hotel information are available on the
event webpage:

Cynthia Hodgson
NISO Technical Editor Consultant
National Information Standards Organization
Phone: 301-654-2512