CRCC Monday Update Forum at Annual Jennifer Young 17 Jun 2011 19:49 UTC

Greetings Colleagues,

The ALCTS CRS Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee (CRCC) invites all
catalogers & serialists to a Forum at ALA Annual in New Orleans, LA on
Monday, June 27, in Morial Convention Center Room 275, from 1:30-3:30pm

There will be brief updates from representatives of the ISSN Center, the
Library of Congress, the CONSER Program, and CC:DA.

The rest of our Forum:

Les Hawkins & Hien Nguyen (CONSER) will lead a discussion about RDA CONSER
practice decisions for serials. The practice decisions were discussed at the
CONSER Operations Committee in May 2011.

An update from the NISO PIE-J Working Group (Recommended Practices for the
Presentation and Identification of E-Journals) from Regina Reynolds, ISSN
Coordinator & Working Group Member
For background see:

Playing in the RDA Sandbox- Valerie Bross (UCLA) will share her experience
using the VTLS RDA Sandbox

To add to your conference calendar in Connect

We hope to see you there!

Jennifer B. Young
Serials Catalog Librarian
Northwestern University Library
ALCTS CRS Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Chair, 2010/2011