Re: new Taylor & Francis platform Katy Ginanni 15 Jul 2011 14:38 UTC

Thanks for this good communication, Jennifer! I, for one, appreciate your responsiveness.  Also good to know that T&F is aware of problems with the new platform and making necessary changes.

Good luck!
Katy G.

Katy Ginanni, Collection Development Librarian
Hunter Library
Western Carolina University
176 Central Drive
Cullowhee, NC 28723
828-227-3729 office
828-227-7380 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [] On Behalf Of Jennifer McMillan
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] new Taylor & Francis platform

Dear Serialst,

There has been a number of queries raised on this listserv and elsewhere over
the last few days regarding Taylor & Francis Online.  I apologise that some
users have been having issues with the site. I have summarised the discussion
points below, along with how we are resolving these:

Access to subscribed content
Some customers have reported inconsistencies with their access entitlements
on Taylor & Francis Online, including access to backfile content. We have
been addressing these issues urgently and providing temporary access where
required. If you notice any inconsistencies with your access please contact and we will follow up your query as a priority.

Site speed
We are using web analytics tools to monitor the speed of the site and have
not recorded that it has been performing slowly. If users are experiencing this
please email and we can take a closer look at your
specific issues.

Sequencing of journal issues
Within some journals users are seeing issues within a given volume that are
appearing out of sequence.  We are currently documenting where this is
occurring and will be fixing this as soon as possible.

Access icons
We are currently displaying access icons at article level. We plan to display
access icons at issue and volume level and it is a key development for us to
add this feature to the site. We will keep you updated on this development.

Usage statistics
We have migrated usage statistics from informaworld to Taylor & Francis
Online for all customers who made use of this tool on informaworld:
•	Usage statistics up to December 2010 are now available on the site
•	 Informaworld usage from January- April 2011 will be available on
16th July
•	 May 2011 usage data will be loaded by 21st July
•	Data to June 25th will be posted by 29th July
•	 Usage reports for the remainder of June are in a separate report as
they are based on Taylor & Francis Online usage. This is now available.

To get a full picture of journal usage for 2011 you will need to add
informaworld usage up to June 25th to Taylor & Francis Online usage from that
point as they will be available in two different reports.

To access informaworld statistics from Taylor & Francis Online you will need to
go into the admin area of your account, go to usage reports and then click
on 'Download COUNTER Legacy Reports'.

Please accept my thanks for your patience with these issues since go-live. If
you are experiencing any further problems please do get in touch with our
support desk by email at We are currently
responding to all queries within 2 working days, although in some cases it is
taking longer than this to resolve specific issues where they are particularly

With best wishes,

Jennifer McMillan
Head of Library Marketing & Communication
Taylor & Francis Group Journals
