Job opportunity: Head, Dept. of Cataloging, Acquisitions and Processing, Illinois State University, Normal, IL Anita Foster 14 Sep 2012 13:09 UTC

Please direct any questions to the contact below. For a complete
position description, please see:

Head, Department of Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Processing at
Illinois State University's Milner Library.  12-month tenure-track
appointment.  Available November 1, 2012.  $70,000 plus benefits.

Responsibilities: Manages 2 faculty and 18 staff with overall
administrative responsibility for the acquisition, cataloging,
processing and discovery of all library resources, regardless of format.

Required: ALA accredited masters; experience in acquisition,
implementation, and management of library discovery systems, including
cataloging and web-scale discovery products; 3-years supervisory
experience; excellent organizational and communication skills; ability
to meet university requirements for tenure, including scholarly or
creative activities, service, and second advanced degree.

To assure full consideration submit a cover letter, resume, and names
of 3 references to or mail to: Head of
Content, Acquisitions, and Processing Department Search Committee,
Illinois State University, Milner Library, Campus Box 8900, Normal, IL
61790-8900 by September 23, 2012.  Initial review of applications will
begin at that time and continue until the position is filled.

Anita Foster                              
Head, Content Acquisitions and Electronic Resources ph: 309-438-3446
Milner Library, Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61761

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