Commercial Digest, a once a week digest of messages containing
informational content from commercial bodies (i.e., publishers, vendors,
agents, etc.)
This week's digest contains 1 message:
1) 23,000 scholarly journals now included in JournalTOCs, the free
current awareness & alerting service
Message #1:
Subject: 23,000 scholarly journals now included in JournalTOCs, the free
current awareness & alerting service
From: Roddy Macleod <>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:28:46 +0000
JournalTOCs is delighted to announce that you
can now keep up-to-date with the latest research papers from over
23,000 scholarly journals from over 2,000 different publishers. Of
those 23,000 journals, 6,600 are Open Access (OA).
JournalTOCs is used by tens of thousands of researchers worldwide to
find and be alerted to the latest published papers, and is free for
individual researchers. Registration is free, email alert options for
new Tables of Contents (TOCs) are free. See the most Followed
journals at
In addition, there is a low-cost institutional Premium version of
JournalTOCs aimed at
research, commercial and academic libraries. Used by pharmaceutical
libraries, health and medical libraries, the European University
Institute, the VSSC, etc, JournalTOCS Premium enables libraries and
resource centres to provide a customised and easily managed current
awareness and alerting service to users.
A new project funded by the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account will
enable JournalTOCS 1: to help publishers to implement standard
access-rights elements in their RSS feeds to enable the systematic
identification of Open Access articles from hybrid and Green OA
journals, and; 2: to broaden the benefits of current awareness on
scholarly publications for researchers from developing countries. More
details at
Roddy MacLeod
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