Reminder: Special Issue Call for Papers: RDA and New Frontiers in Library Metadata Yuji Tosaka (01 Apr 2014 15:04 UTC)

Reminder: Special Issue Call for Papers: RDA and New Frontiers in Library Metadata Yuji Tosaka 01 Apr 2014 15:04 UTC

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Special Issue of Journal of Library Metadata
“RDA and New Frontiers in Library Metadata”
Guest Editor: Yuji Tosaka, Ph.D., M.L.I.S.
              Cataloging/Metadata Librarian
              The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ

RDA: Resource Description & Access has arrived at a time when libraries
are at a crossroads. New information technologies have created
uncertainty about their role in a rapidly changing environment, while
they also create opportunities to produce robust metadata to support
vastly improved discovery services for library users and other
information seekers at large.

The goal of this special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata is to
offer both LIS researchers and practitioners a much-needed primer
exploring the possibilities of cataloging and information access under
RDA. We invite articles that address current issues, trends, research,
and purposeful experimentation relating to, but not limited to, the
following topics:

• Evaluation of RDA as a practical application of the FRBR model
• Evaluation of RDA’s ability to provide a flexible and extensible
framework for describing all types of content and media in the digital
environment; RDA and special formats cataloging; the role of cataloger’s
judgment under RDA
• RDA and user analysis; evaluation of RDA’s “responsiveness to user needs”
• RDA and “cost efficiency”; RDA’s impacts on cataloging production and
• Using RDA with other metadata standards; interoperability issues with
different communities of practice; evaluation of RDA’s “flexibility” as
a content standard that can be usable for other, non-library metadata
• Evaluation of new RDA elements, instructions, and vocabularies
• RDA and MARC standards; RDA in a post-MARC environment
• RDA and OPAC display issues; RDA and next-generation catalogs
• RDA implementation and training issues in different library sectors;
catalogers’ transition from AACR2; practitioners’ views on the new
cataloging code
• Internationalization of RDA; reception and implementation of RDA in an
international context
• Development of new tools, resources, and services to manage and
leverage RDA and legacy catalog data
• Evaluation of the standards development process for RDA, RDA’s
openness as a technical standard
• Analysis of RDA in the historical context; comparison of AACR2 and RDA
as cataloging codes; RDA’s continuities and discontinuities with
cataloging traditions

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a proposal
(approximately 500 words) including a problem statement, problem
significance, objectives, methodology, and conclusions (or tentative
conclusions for work in progress). The proposal should also include
author’s name, professional affiliation, and e-mail address. Only
unpublished, original work will be considered. Proposals must be
received by April 15, 2014. Full manuscripts (4000-7000 words) are
expected to be submitted by July 20, 2014. All submitted manuscripts
will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Please forward
inquiries and proposal submissions electronically to the guest editor

The Journal of Library Metadata is the exclusive forum for the latest
research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of
metadata applications in libraries and about the role of metadata in
information retrieval. This focused journal comprehensively discusses
practical, applicable information that libraries can effectively use in
their own information discovery environments. Specialized knowledge, the
latest technology, and top research are presented pertaining
specifically to evolving metadata use in libraries. More information
about the Journal of Library Metadata can be found online at

Yuji Tosaka
Cataloging/Metadata Librarian
The College of New Jersey
Ewing, NJ 08628-0718
Phone: (609) 771-2156

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