ScanPro reader/printer Joslyn Weiss (11 Dec 2018 17:59 UTC)
Re: ScanPro reader/printer Mark Gooch (14 Dec 2018 13:48 UTC)

ScanPro reader/printer Joslyn Weiss 11 Dec 2018 17:59 UTC

Hi all:
 My library is looking to upgrade our reader/printers to ones with scanning capability. In reading through the archives, I see quite a few libraries purchased ScanPro reader/scanners over the years. How are you liking them?  I would love to hear any feedback about your experience with them. If you have experience with similar products, I'd like to know about that, too!
 Please respond to the list, so others can benefit from your knowledge.


Joslyn D. Weiss
Monmouth County Library - Eastern Branch
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702


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