SERIALST scope, incl. job listings Birdie MacLennan 06 Dec 1990 15:04 UTC

T. Sanders raised the issue of whether or not job listings would be
appropriate on SERIALST.  I agree with Kent Miller's response:

>From my perspective, job notices would represent a good addition to the subject
matter in SERIALST, but serials jobs only.  We are not all in NOTIS-L, because
we are not all NOTIS libraries.    Kent Miller, Serials Librarian, Univ of

Also, judging from Mr. Sander's comments and from the amount of new subscribers
that have signed on since SERIALST was first announced in October, it might
be a good time to review the scope of the list and to welcome new subscribers.

SERIALST (Serials in Libraries -- a user discussion group) was established in
October 1990, with technical support from Computer Operations at the University
of Vermont, in order to serve as an informal electronic forum for most
aspects of serials processing in libraries.  Topics may include such things
as: cataloging, acquisitions, collection management, binding, preservation,
microfilm, union list activities, announcements, news, & job postings that
may be of interest to the serials community.  In order to avoid duplicate
news and information, the SERIALST discussion group should not deal with
serials pricing issues as this topic is already covered in: Newsletter
on Serials Pricing Issues (to subscribe, issue the command: tell
listserv at uncvx1 subscribe Price-L <First name Last name>.  Or, if the
subscribe command doesn't work, send a message to: Tuttle at uncvx1.BITNET).

SERIALST is not moderated.  Mail that is sent to SERIALST is automatically
distributed by the listserv to all subscribers.  No one reviews, edits, or
verifies the accuracy of the messages.  Authors of the messages are solely
responsible for their content.

Birdie MacLennan
SERIALST Listowner / Serials Cataloger
Bailey/Howe Library
University of Vermont