Re: Periodicals and Videos TSANDERS@AUDUCVAX.BITNET 03 Jan 1991 16:39 UTC

I agree with Susan Davis.  We have no facilities for regular colelction of
videos here but regularly receive computer disks as part of both periodicals
and monographs, and also other items such as sound recordings.  With books
we are able to make a working copy of the disk, insert in pocket, label book
to skip desens machinery, etc., but with other materials such as single
periodical issues we have to separate non-print from print items and rely on
cataloging notes, notes on piece, etc., to bring the user to the correct
combination of items.  This would probably be somewhat different if we had
a periodicals room and shelved bound and unbound periodicals together but
even then we would probably want the video, sound recording, etc., shelved
in the department which housed the equipment.  We also would want to consider
security, both from unauthorized removal and from mutilation (accidental or
otherwise).  This is a somewhat pragmatic approach but it seems to be
working.  Thomas Sanders, Serials, Auburn University