changes of title Elena Romaniuk 04 Jan 1991 18:50 UTC

At the University of Victoria, we are very close to loading our records into
NOTIS. We have a backlog of serial changes of title which will have to be
accommodated in NOTIS. I would very much appreciate knowing what procedures
 other libraries use to indicate that a change of title has occured, but that
the new title is not yet catalogued. I am interested in the workflow, also how
much modification is done to the records for the old title before the change
of title is fully done, is a provisional record created and the order
information attached right away, etc. At UVic the Serials Unit does the
cataloguing, the check in and the processing, but the acquisition of serials
is being transferred to our Acquisitions Unit. I would appreciate any
suggestions and examples of how this is done in other NOTIS libraries. If
anyone has documentation which they would be willing to share my mailing
address is Elena Romaniuk, Serials Management Unit, University of Victoria,
P.O.Box 1800, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 3H5
Bitnet: engin at UVVM
Thanks everyone.

University of Victoria