Annuals TURITZ@SFSUVM.SFSU.EDU 13 Sep 1991 16:03 UTC

I have been a serials cataloger for around 10 years now and my opinion is that
it saves cataloging time to catalog an annual once and then check in each
volume then to catalog each new volume as they come in. Our serials (annuals)
are classified, whereas our periodicals are not, and are shelved by title. We
maintain a separate list of our periodicals near our periodical indexes, so
that patrons can see if we have the periodicals they cite in the index.

We also have both in our online catalog, so the patrons can see if we have the

* Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian, San Francisco State U.     *
* Internet: TURITZ@SFSUVM.SFSU.EDU                            *
* Voice: (415) 338-7883  Fax: (415) 338-6199                  *