Re: Sorting serials Susan Davis 17 Sep 1991 12:30 UTC

Caroline's library thought that automation would alleviate the need
to divide the check-in, etc. by staff people. THe same idea was suggested
here, but I vetoed it for most of the reasons Carolyn cited. I have
always felt that it was best for the staff to be more familiar with
a selected portion of titles, than halfway knowledgeable about
all of them.  Plus it makes the division of work as "fair" as it
can get.  If you just let anybody check in anything, the faster
checkers would end up doing more work (maybe).  Since we also assign
claiming and binding responsibility to the check-in staff, an
alphabetical division seemed to make the most sense, and I would
vehemently oppose any change. We use student help to open and sort
the mail, then tattle tape and deliver the processed issues.  I
think the staff enjoy having "control" over their little kingdom.
Susan Davis/Head, Periodicals/University at Buffalo