Re:Serials sorting S_WAN@TWU.BITNET 17 Sep 1991 13:20 UTC

We have been doing online serials check-in on Geac for about two years.  We
tried not to sort for a while and found it uncontrolabl
e and have since decided to sort them again for the following reasons:
1.  Sorting will eliminate items we do not check in and other non-serials that
come in with the same mail bags as the serials.
2.  By keeping the serials in sorted piles we can easily access to individual
titles when they are needed by patrons.
3.  We shelve our serials by title alphabetically, so sorting them at receipt
or later will make no differen
ce for us.

William Wan
Texas Woman's University
Bitnet: S_WAN@TWU
FAX: 817-898-3726
