Re: electronic journals BMACLENN@UVMVM.BITNET 05 Dec 1991 17:42 UTC

Includes 2 messages (65 lines):
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Subject:      Re: electronic journals

     We just dealt with this same title here at Vanderbilt. I did not
make a separate catalog record because the disks bore the numbering of
the journal issue, not their own numbering. I added a note to the biblio-
graphic record about the disks and also a message that they will be
available at the circulation desk for check-out. (Our science librarians
decided to circulate copies on an overnight basis, keeping the original
in the workroom)
     At the moment we are handling these on a case by case basis.
But certainly we are going to be seeing more and more of this type of
material!  We also recently handled a journal that was accompanied
by a video supplement.

/ Ann Ercelawn                       /            Bitnet:             /
/ Serials Librarian                  /       ERCELAA@VUCTRVAX         /
/ General Technical Services         /           Internet:            /
/ Vanderbilt University              /  ercelaa@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu /
/ Nashville, TN                      /      Phone: (615) 322-2409     /
From:         Cynthia Clark <CCLARK@UCI.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: electronic journals

At UC Irvine, we have several journals that occasionally come with or are
published as computer diskettes, compact disks, videocassettes, audiocassettes,
etc. In the past year, we approved a policy to shelve all of these
non-paper formats in our Media Center apart from the paper journal issues which
will be bound and shelved in stacks as usual. At the moment, we're
finalizing procedures that will provide for notes in our online catalog and
in the paper issues that will connect patrons with the non-print materials.
We've decided that in most cases, we will copy the computer disks. We will
keep the master in the Media Center and put the copy in a pocket in the
back of the bound journal shelved in stacks.

Another problem we're dealing with at Irvine is that we don't always have the
equipment to read/display the formats that suddenly appear with journals. I'm
also interested in learning about how other libraries are handling these

Cynthia Clark
Head of the Serials Dept.
UC Irvine
(714) 856-7221