Spectrochimica Acta Electronica GGILLESP@UKANVM.BITNET 10 Dec 1991 02:14 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
At the University of Kansas, we handle the supplementary disk material for
Spectrochimica Acta Pt. B in the following manner:

The disks are kept on Reserve at the Science Library; the hard copy issues
are in their regular shelving site in the Science Library.  Since the disks
are supplementary materials to Spectrochimica Acta Pt. B, we did not set up
a separate bib. or holdings record for Spectrochimica Acta Electronica at this
time. Rather, the supplementary disk material has its own 852 group in the
holdings record for Spectrochimica Acta Pt. B.  The disks are set to manual
check-in, meaning that there is an issue record for each disk, but those
issue records are not set up to *automatically* interact with their 852/853
group in the holdings record -- the holdings are updated by the person who
checks in the disks.  In this way, the public record does not reflect an actual
summary holdings statement for the disks, but rather a note that states:
"Additional material called Spectrochimica Acta Electronica is composed of
disk software and is kept on reserve. Ask at the Desk for assistance."

We have also received the videotapes mentioned and a steady increase in other
formats.  While it's not 100% guaranteed that format integration will take
care of all our problems, since local situations can still be exceptions to
all the rules, we hope it will help define parameters for appropriate records
for most situations.  The increase of formats has also underlined the fact
that we, as a library, will have to develop a more cohesive, defined, written
retention and preservation policy to deal with such formats.  Knowing in
advance that we will have the correct equipment with which to use such formats
as they are automatically supplied by the publisher is another quandry.

E. Gaele Gillespie/Asst. Head, Serials     University of Kansas Libraries
(913)864-3535   e-mail(BITNET): GGILLESP@UKANVM     Lawrence, KS   66045-2800