Using SC350 Joanna Tousley-Escalante 10 Dec 1991 15:38 UTC

Believe it or not, there are some of us out here in library land who are
still using the old OCLCSC350 serials system. (now owned by Ameritech)

I'd love to hear from any others of us out there who are still on SC350,
in particular if you have the old Tallgrass hard drive.  I've jsut received
the notice from Ameritech that they're [again] raising the maintenance fees,
and am seriously considering dropping the maintenance.  WE cannot load the
new release that FINALLY came out this past spring.  It blows up our hard
disk.  So in effect, I have no support for the software, in which case, why
pay for either the software or hardware maintenance?  We never call in with
problems anymore.  We just work around them.  SC350'ers, are you out there?
Joanna Tousley-Escalante
Austin Community College
fax:       512/483-7773