NASIG PROGRAM Marcia Tuttle 06 Feb 1992 17:01 UTC

Date:     Thu, 6 Feb 92 09:53:23 EST
From:     Ann Lillian Okerson <OKERSON@UMDC>

Cindy forwarded me your message re. NASIG program.  We had been intending
to await a "final" program but that won't be for another 1-2 weeks.  At
that time, there will be a longer message that will formally go out to
SERIALST, NSPI, PACS-L and anywhere else that seems proper..  In the
meanwhile, here's a brief summary of program at this time.

All of us are very excited about this meeting, which features a whole day
jointly with SSP (Society for Scholarly Publishing), a unique opportunity
for an organization of librarians to meet with an organization comprising
primarily (but of course not entirely) producers of scholarly publications.
Both groups have worked hard and collaborated happily on what promises to
be the great library/publisher meeting of the early 90s.

Ann Okerson/Chair, NASIG 1992 Conference Program Committe & Co-Chair, Joint
Meeting with SSP


Day ONE, Thursday, June 18th:

Getting the most out of your e-mail system:  a two-hour workshop given by
Birdie MacLennan, Co-moderator of SERIALST & Chair, NASIG Electronic
Communications Committee.  ENROLLMENT WILL BE LIMITED with sign-up as part
of conference registration.

NASIG committee meetings

Opening Festivities, Reception

NASIG Annual General Meeting

Day TWO, Friday, June 19th:

Plenary sessions in the morning featuring papers on

New Wine in Old Bottles:  networked distribution and library collections and
technical services, by Clifford Lynch, University of California

Webs That Link Libraries and Librarians:  evolving technical standards, by
Julia Blixrud, Council on Library Resources

St. Augustine to the NREN:  publishing and resources for scholars in the 90s,
by James O'Donnell, University of Pennsylvania

Landlords and Tenants:  who owns electronic information, who pays for it, and
how (speaker in negotiation).

Friday afternoon, Saturday morning & Sunday morning workshops feature:

1.  Alternatives in Serials Cataloguing, Organization, and Workflow
2.  Automating Binding Procedures:  using INNOVACQ vs. In-house Database
3.  Cataloguing Serial Computer Files
4.  The Foot bone Connected to the Anklebone, or Enumeration, Checking-in,
and Labeling Instructions.
5.  Game Shows, Elevators, Full Plates, and other Allegories:  A Look at the
Present State and Future Possibilities of LC Subject Headings.
6.  Role and REsponsibiliites of the Professional Serials Cataloguer.
7.  Changing Role of the Vendor:  New Products and Services
8.  SISAC Update
9.  Publishing Procedures:  Publishers Utilize New Technologies
10.  Article Delivery Workshop
11.  Opportunities for LIbrarians in Being Published
12.  Managing "pseudoserials"
13.  Fine-tuning the Claims Process
14.  Basic Training for Survival of the Frontlines; what you never learned
in library school.
15.  Collection Development Assessment for Health Sciences Libraries
16.  Auditing the Automated Serials Control System.
17.  Preparing a Workshop Presentation
18.  (Under Development)

NOTE:  each workshop will be repeated and attendees will have the opportunity
to attend four workshops during the conference.

DAY Three, Saturday, June 20:

JOINT MEETING WITH Society for Scholarly Publishing, featuring two major
Plenary papers by nationally prominent speakers in (1) scholarly communica-
tions; and (2) higher education administration.

EIGHT breakout sessions, each repeated.  Attendees have the opportunity
to select two during the day.

1.  New strategies for new publishing technologies.
2.  Constructing and using price indexes.
3.  Copyright in the electronic environment.
4.  Regional library networking; friend or foe to traditional publishing?
5.  Marketing to Libraries.
6.  National Serials Standards:  the latest from NSDP.
7.  Preservation:  looking forward & cooperating with publishers on new
8.  Article Delivery; user focused.

DAY Four, Sunday, June 21:

Last Round of NASIG Workshops

Final Plenary Paper:  Information Engineers or????; technical services
librarians as professsionals or profession-less in the 90s and on, by
Karen Schmidt, Unviversity of Illinois, Urbana.

Wrap-up:  Gary Brown, Faxon.

MORE DETAILS in about two weeks.