Conference on NREN in Columbus, Ohio on Mar. 18th Marcia Tuttle 14 Feb 1992 18:04 UTC

Date:    Thu, 13 Feb 92 23:40 EST
From:    "Anna M. Wang, OSU Lib." <AMW@OHSTMVSA>
Subject: Conference on NREN in Columbus, Ohio on Mar. 18th

              NREN: Light at the end of a long tunnel?

                         March 18, 1992

                 OCLC Auditorium, Dublin, Ohio

Librarians, information systems staff, educators, researchers, and
administrators can shape the furture by providing access to global
information sources using NREN.  The NREN (National Research and
Education Network) bill was signed by the Presidentin December 1991
laying the foundation for an information superhighway.  Presented
by networking experts, this program offered by OHIONET provides you
national, regional, and local networking perspectives.

9:30-10:00      Registration

10:00-10:15     Welcome, housekeeping, keynote introduction

10:15-11:00     Keynote Address:  Networked learning, virtual
                        communities, and distributed resources
                                Beverly Hunter
                                Program Director
                                Applications of Advanced Technologies
                                National Science Foundation

11:00-11:30     NSFnet: Your Highway to National Networking
                                Ken Horning
                                Outreach Liaison, Merit Networking, Inc.

11:30-12:00     Coalition for Networked Information
                                George Brett
                                Program Manager of Networked Information
                                Univeristy of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

12:00-12:30     Assessing Internet Resources: Toward Library
                        Services for Electronic Information
                                Erik Jul
                                Communications Manager
                                OCLC Office of Research

12:30-1:30      Lunch on your own (OCLC cafeteria available)

1:30-2:00               Cleveland Free-Net
                                Tom Grundner
                                President, National Public Telecomputing Networ

2:00-2:30               OARnet in the Information Age
                                Alison Brown
                                Acting Director, OARNet

2:30-3:15               Breakout sessions

                        Fax over Internet: Document Delivery for
                        Interlibrary Loan
                                Robert Dixon and Robert Kalal
                                Academic Computing Services
                                The Ohio State University

                        OCLC FirstSEARCH on Internet
                                Tamsen Dalrymple
                                (Limit to 35 people, please indicate
                                 your preference for breskout session
                                 on the registration form.)

3:15-3:30               Wrap up Session
                                Ken Horning
                                Merit Networking, Inc.

Coordinated by: OHIONET Communications & Access Council

Registration Cost: $50.00 includes workshop materials
Registration Deadline: March 6, 1992

Mail Registration form to:

OHIONET Workshop Registration
1500 West Lane Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43221-3975
send by fax to: 614/486-1527


                                REGISTRATION FORM

LOCATION:               OCLC Auditorium, Dublin, Ohio

DATE:           March 18, 1992

Name of attendee:       __________________________________________

Institution:            __________________________________________

Position title: __________________________________________

Mailing Address:        __________________________________________


Voice Phone no.:        __________________________________________

Fax no.:                        __________________________________________

E-mail Address: __________________________________________

Please indicate your choice of breakout sessions:

Fax over Internet  _______________              OCLCFirstSEARCH ___________

One form per person.

Cost: $50.00

Check enclosed _______,   or invoice library ______,

Non-members must prepay: ______

Space is limited, please register as early as possible to ensure a space!

Send form to:

1500 West Lane Avenue
Columbus, OH 43221-3975
send by Fax to 614/486-1527

Registrations must be received by March 6, 1992
