LITA/ALCTS Interest Group on Serials Automation Margaret Mering 25 Feb 1992 18:58 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Planning for the summer meeting of the LITA/ALCTS Interest Group on
Serials Automation is in process. The topic  for the meeting will be
article document delivery. I would like to see the discussion cover a
number of issues:

1) What article document delivery projects are libraries currently
involved in?

2) Are electronic journals just a transitional step to article document
delivery? Will serials librarians or libraries play any role in this
change? Should we spend time adding ejournals to our collections?

3) If libraries depend more on article document delivery and less on
owning serials, how will the responsibilities of serials acquisitions
and catalog librarians be effected? Will the demand for serials
librarians lessen?

I am looking for possible discussion leaders. I would also like
suggestions for other issues relating to the topic. Any help you can
offer would be greatly appreciated. Please respond directly to me rather
than the listserv.


Margaret Mering
Principal Serials Cataloger
209N Love Library
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0410
(402) 472-2517