Re: Staffing in Serials Depts. ERCELAA@VUCTRVAX.BITNET 01 Apr 1992 14:46 UTC

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1992 18:25:51 CST
Subject: RE: Staffing in Serials Depts.

In reply to Elena Romaniuk's inquiry about Staffing in Serials Depts.:

Our Serials Technical Services dept. is made up of 2 units:  Serials
Receiving and Serials Acquisitions.

1.  Serials Receiving:  Currently, we have 2 full-time staff and a cadre of
student assistants who do check-in of all serials in all formats, including
microforms, CD-ROMs, and all exhange and gift serials.  Two of the student
assistants are half time and have special assignments, like check-in of mono-
graphic series, microform check-in, and serials in Slavic languages.  The other
other 5 student assistants work between 10-20 hrs. a week.  Check-in is
accomplished on the on-line system and requires ample training on the holdings
and individual issues components.  Check-in also implies labelling and marking
issues.    /// Serials Acquisitions:  Orders, claims, processing of
invoices, and manipulating the Serials Accounting System is accomplished
by 4.5 staff in another unit:  2 claims assistants (one is full-time, one
is half time -- our other full-time claims position is frozen); 3 full-time
staff do orders, processing of invoices, and accounting system input (5 student
assistants help with orders, claims, and invoices -- 2 are half-time; 3 work
10-17 hrs. per week).

2.  We have approximately 19,000 currently-received titles.

3.  Government documents are handled by the GovDocs Lib.; however, we are
training their staff to check-in international document serials on our system
and will be training additional staff to check-in U.S. Document serials on our
system soon (in conjunction with the MARCIVE tape load).  State documents are
housed and processed in yet another library; however, a full-time person there
checks in State Document serials on our system (we trained that person, too).
KU is a Regional Depository for US Docs and the state docs are rec'd. via the
state depository documents program.

E. Gaele Gillespie / Asst. Head, Serials     University of Kansas Libraries