NSDP Perspective on Newsweek ERCELAA@VUCTRVAX.BITNET 27 Apr 1992 19:52 UTC

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1992 12:36:49 -0400
From: "Regina R. Reynolds" <rrey@SEQ1.LOC.GOV>

As Acting Head of NSDP, the immediate question that came to my mind as I've
been following this discussion was, of course, how many ISSN are needed?

I called Newsweek to get more complete information about edition statements,
numbering, contents pages, and a clearer picture of how often and in what
combinations these special sections will be available.  A "Newsweek Focus"
representative gave me the information which follows, and is sending me a
sample copy so I can check things like numbering and pagination for myself.

The first special section came out last week.  New sections will follow for
the next three weeks.  For the time being there will be only the four sections
mentioned in the Chicago Tribune article quoted by Jim Mouw.  Only one of
these four sections will be available per issue, i.e., each section will be
monthly.  Subscribers may choose any or all of the sections at an additional
subscription cost of $5 a year per section.  Issues with the special sections
will not be sold on newsstands and will not be available as single issues
from the publisher.

I asked how this plan would work when the four remaining sections were added.
The representative said that those plans are currently under discussion since
there are binding questions about the thicker issues which would result if a
subscriber wanted all the sections (two per issue.)  The four future sections
would also probably each be published only monthly.  Luckily for all of us,
this reduces the number of potential combinations!

Newsweek is not considering these customized issues to be "editions," and is
not using any kind of edition statement or different numbering to designate
the issues.  Apparently there was some mention of the special section on the
contents page for this issue.  I am also checking with University Microfilms
to see if they have made any decisions about filming future issues of

I'll write more when I have more information.  Meanwhile, I'd be interested
in hearing your thoughts on the pros and cons of single versus multiple
ISSN and bibliographic records.  If a single record were kept, the optional
sections could be mentioned in a note.

Regina Reynolds
Acting Head, National Serials Data Program
Library of Congress