Re: Library school serials instruction ERCELAA@VUCTRVAX.BITNET 27 Apr 1992 22:04 UTC

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1992 14:30:41 EDT
Subject: RE: Library school serials instruction

I have a somewhat different perspective on serials education, since I teach
a full course (10 weeks, we're on the quarter system) in "Serial Literature."
The course was originated by Kris Subramanyam -- I think in the 1970's --
and was taught by him and, after his retirement, by me.  In ten weeks we
can't cover everything that I or the students would like -- but we try to
deal with some major topics: collection development, management, public
services -- with special attention to serials automation issues & problems and
(of course) serials bibliometrics. The feedback I have gotten from past
students and from the field has been favorable with respect to the existence,
breadth, and focus of the course. We lack a current text -- but any text
would HAVE to be supplemented with readings to capture the hot issues; guest
speakers & field trips & personalized projects are critical as well.  We were
lucky that this course was developed during a time of expansion -- I doubt that
we could get permission now -- in a time of general university entrenchment.
I don't expect any current students to comment on the course (though several
are on this list) but would be interested in any feedback from former
students.  My impression in sporadic job interviews over the years has been
special serials courses are rare birds. We also cover some aspects of serials
in Collection Development, Research Collection Development, second term
Cataloging, US Govt. Publications, Technical Processes in Libraries, Library
Automation, A&I, various resource/reference courses -- but it's nice to have
a course that pulls things together.

Kate McCain
Associate Professor                     Bibliometrics R Us
College of Information Studies
Drexel University