NOTIS and Binding Birdie MacLennan 29 Apr 1992 18:30 UTC

2 messages, 61 lines:

Date:         Wed, 29 Apr 1992 10:15:00 LCL
From:         Vicki Stanton <VSTANTON@UNF1VM.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: NOTIS and Binding

We use the first OPR to hold all binding instructions, including buckram
and print color, format of title and variable info, instructions to the
binder, and in-house instructions.  We use the second OPR for posting,
and post each issue in a separate receipt statement.   We place a BD by
the last issue bound, and use TB for items that are incomplete.  At the
time of binding, we create an item record, and check out the item to the
serials department.  When the shipment goes out the door, we check
everything out to the bindery.

Our Head of Technical Services has written some wonderful in-house
programs which pull information from the dor 1, the item record, the bib
record and the label record to produce the bindery slip.  We expect that
we will soon be able to send a data file to the bindery instead of or
with the slips.   We have eliminated most double keying of information,
and I estimate that we have cut our binding time by at least one third.

Vicki Stanton                  (904) 646-2550 : SUNCOM 861-2550
Serials Department                             FAX 904-646-2719
University of North Florida Library              P.O. Box 16761
4567 St. Johns Bluff Road, South         Jacksonville, FL 32216

Date:         Wed, 29 Apr 1992 10:58:30 LCL
From:         Vicki Stanton <VSTANTON@UNF1VM.BITNET>
Subject:      Binding on NOTIS

After reading Kathi's expanded question, I would like to expand on my
answer.  I have been very pleased that we moved completly to NOTIS
for all of our binding procedures, and have no regrets.  We did a couple
of things that made it easier for us.  We created the bindery record
during the process of creating our check-in records.  We used a lot of
macros, so we keyed very little standard information.  In our manual
system, binding and check-in were on the same custom designed cards, so
we were only dealing with one file.  Also, we are a small university
library, and have just under 3,000 current periodical subscriptions, so
we were dealing with a managable  number of titles.

We keep the binding frequency and title page/index info on the check-in
record.  We keep other types of info on the binding record (such as wait
for index, bind supplements in, etc.)  We also keep other routing
information on the binding records for special handling after the volume
is received back from the bindery.

The item record is the official record of what has been bound, and
replaces the shelf list.  We no longer use manual files for either
check-in or binding, with the exception of a very few complicated

Although the initial record creation will take time, I urge you to
consider the project.  Feel free to call if you want more info.

Vicki Stanton                  (904) 646-2550 : SUNCOM 861-2550
Serials Department                             FAX 904-646-2719
University of North Florida Library              P.O. Box 16761
4567 St. Johns Bluff Road, South         Jacksonville, FL 32216