NOTIS and Bindery records Birdie MacLennan 30 Apr 1992 03:54 UTC

2 messages, 40 lines:

Date:         Wed, 29 Apr 1992 15:23:04 EDT
From:         Susan Davis <UNLSDB@UBVM.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: NOTIS and Bindery records

In addition to the comments I previously made about NOTIS and binding,
I would like to respond to more of Kathi's questions.  Yes, NOTIS is
our holdings authority.  The Volumes Holdings Record is intended to
indicate all our bound (or stack) holdings.  We add incoming newly
bound volumes to the VHLD.  We started creating item records for all
returning bound volumes over a year ago.  Eventually (and probably not
in my lifetime) these item records will serve as our inventory.  We have
always (relatively speaking) created item records for all materials
which circulate, bound periodicals do not, so this is the first effort
to consistently capture information in such detail.  We still maintain
a great deal of information outside of NOTIS. However, we do record receipt
of indexes and supplements on the OPR, for the indexes, using a Note field.
Good luck! and since NOTIS has no plans for a bindery module in the near
future, I wouldn't invest a whole lot of time trying to figure out ways
to "fudge" the system to accomodate binding needs.  Who knows what 5.2 will
bring, or 6.0???

Susan Davis
Head, Periodicals/University at Buffalo

Date:         Wed, 29 Apr 1992 19:39:00 CST
Subject:      Re: NOTIS and Bindery records

We use NOTIS as our current holdings authority (i.e. everything bound
since we had the capability of creating item records).  In fact, we have
not added holdings to our shelf-list in a number of years.  We never
maintained a separate holdings record in the bindery unit.

We have not used NOTIS to control our "specifications card" information
because we have not found a logical place to put it that is not already
being used for other kinds of notes.

Thomas Sanders, Serials, Auburn University, AL (tsanders@auducvax)