RLIN and Local processing Jean Farrington 07 Apr 1992 21:05 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
 I would be interested in hearing from libraries that use RLIN as a
resource database, but are doing their cataloging locally.  What sort of
updating of your RLIN records do you still do, if any?  Do you continue to
indicate if a title is currently received in your library?  If it changes
title, do you modify the old record in any way, either the holdings part or
the bib record?

 We at Penn are about to make the transition to cataloging on NOTIS
and tape loading into RLIN.  I would like to know how other libraries have
dealt with the issue of maintenance of RLIN records.  Currently, we still
indicate and change the holdings if a title is cancelled or ceases.  You
can reply to me directly at: farrington@a1.relay.upenn.edu.  Thanks very

   Jean Farrington
   Head, Serials Dept.
   Univ. of Pennsylvania