Re: Business week numbering MRUPS@BROOK.BITNET 09 Apr 1992 01:47 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Last year, the numbering for _Business Week_ skipped from #3206 (1 April
1991) to #3208 (8 April 1991); but we did get a _Business Week 1000_, no
date, no number, later that same month -- I rather assumed that _this_ was
the missing #3207.  Going back to 1990, I find #5154 (16 April) was
followed by #5156 (23 April), with a special issue received in between. At
any rate, there's precedent, and with the same issue, more or less.

There was another special issue in October, _The Quality Imperative_, but
it did not interfere with the numbering sequence, I think.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it -- reset your sequence, if you can, and
await the special issue.

Mario Rups
Brookings Institution Library