Newsweek changes James Mouw 21 Apr 1992 22:14 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Well, while we have all been worried about electronic publications, a quiet
revolution in the print medium has been brewing.  I quote from an article in
today's (4.21.92) Chicago Tribune.  The byline is New York (AP):

Newsweek introduced a customized editorial section for subscribers Monday,
using a technology that enables publishers to target specific readers.

Specific binding has been used by the magazine industry to the last few years
to produce customized advertising sections.

But the "Newsweek Focus" section represents the first time a mainstream
magazine has used selective binding for readers who want added editorial
coverage.  Pages can be added to the magazine based on the recipient's
interests, age, work and leisure activities.

Newsweek subscribers will pay an extra $5 in their annual subscription rates
for the editorial embellishment, which was first announced by the magazine
late last year.  Special sections will be added once a month. ...

The inaugural eight-page special section, Books in the News, is an excerpt of
"Forty Day," by CBS newsman Bob Simon, recounting his captivity by Iraqi
soldiers during the Persian Gulf War.

Three other special sections will be added in the next 18 months:  On Your
Money, on personal finance; Science and Technology; and International Scene,
an expanded section on world news.

Richard L. Duncan, executive editor at rival Time magazine, said, "We're
using the technology of ads, and it's not a big trick to use the technology
for editorial.  The question simply is, do readers want it?

end of quotation.

Jim Mouw

Bitnet:                 uclmouw@uchimvs1