AACR2: E-Applications & Copyright U34261@UICVM.BITNET 22 Apr 1992 20:52 UTC

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There has been a recent flurry of messages in the electronic media about
incorporating AACR2 into catalogers' helpers, finding aids, and other
electronic applications.  There are a number of projects of this nature
under way, including one under joint development between the American
Library Association and the Library of Congress to produce AACR in a
machine-readable form.

Anybody considering developing such a product using AACR2 and its revisions
should be aware that AACR is under copyright.  The American Library
Association is the holder of the U.S. copyright for this publication and as
such grants the right to use its text.  If you wish to quote from AACR2,
please first obtain the necessary permission by writing (not e-mail) to:

Evelyn Shaevel
Director, Publishing/Marketing Services
American Library Association
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611

For further information, please contact:
Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
a division of the American Library Association
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
Telephone: 800-545-2433, ext.5036
E-mail:  U34261@uicvm.bitnet