Document delivery et. al. Deana Astle 17 Dec 1992 18:39 UTC

While I know this is not strictly a serials issue, I am wondering
how many libraries out there have moved traditional ILL coupled with
document delivery into Technical Services and specifically into
Acquisitions.  Also, what has been done to facilitate patron access
to what is available through document delivery, networks, etc.

Also, has anyone tackled statistics to measure "access" as a strength
in such a way to satisfy the increasingly quantitatively-oriented
Accrediting Associations which demand more and more accountability
in the education process?  I would be interested in hearing from those
who have dealt with these issues.  Thanks.

Deana L. Astle                    BITNET:DLAST@CLEMSON
Assistant Dean of Libraries       INTERNET: DLAST@CLEMSON.CLEMSON.EDU
R.M. Cooper Library
Clemson University                803-656-4782
Clemson SC  29634-3001            FAX:803-656-3025