Microcomputer Software Package for Serials Control Marcia Tuttle 30 Dec 1992 04:21 UTC

Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1992 05:20:00 -0500
From: DOBISDOC%IPGUNIV.BITNET@uga.cc.uga.edu

The University of Perugia (Central Italy, 11 Faculties, ca. 23.000
students) is looking for a microcomputer software package to handle (just)
serials control.

The interface with the mainframe system (DOBIS-LIBIS) is not an issue. The
package does not need to work within a LAN. The system has to run under
MS-DOS 3.3 and higher.

We have already contacted Data Trek (CA, USA), TINMAN (Ime Ltd. UK), a
couple of suppliers of CDS/ISIS UNESCO utilities.

Any suggestions or requests for more information
would be gladly accepted

Francesco Dell'Orso
Universit{ degli studi di Perugia
Coordinamento del Servizio bibliotecario
Largo G.R. Ermini
06123  PERUGIA
tel. 075-20808; fax 075-5852067